Frontier Fare

Published by: TwoDot
Release Date: October 7, 2014
Pages: 240
ISBN13: 978-0762797547
Frontier Fare will whet your appetite with tasty historical recipes and includes some great stories to go along with them. Surprisingly, not all food eaten in the west was steak and beans. It was the Victorian era and people were dining on classic French cuisines, imported goods, and oysters! It was considered “bon ton and tony” to dine on items like those. Frontier Fare gives you the recipes to cook up dishes like Salmon Baked a la Richelieu, Saratoga chips, and oyster stew. There are also plenty of good old-fashioned recipes like rice pudding, pot pie, and turkey. It later became trendy to dine on exotic dishes like chop suey, curries, and tamales.
Frontier Fare describes how pioneers cooked, what utensils they used, how they adapted their recipes to local ingredients, and more. You’ll be amused with the mix of comical and odd anecdotal stories that accompany many of the recipes—like the chuck wagon cooky who lost his pants to a hungry cow! Then there’s the man who served cement pudding to his fellow diners and the woman who tried to poison her husband!
Use Frontier Fare to plan a western-themed or Victorian-style dinner party. You can choose between chuck wagon grub, 19th century restaurant fare, granny’s good old-fashioned cooking or others, which are separated into specific chapters.
No matter how you use the recipes, have a blast cooking up some history, with all the 21st century conveniences the pioneers would likely envy. Cheers!