Shaken in 2020, But Not Stirred

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Published by: Amazon
Release Date: December 11, 2020
Pages: 161
ISBN13: 979-8563396494


Drinks, humor, and uplifting stories to get you through any calamity. The year 2020 seemed like an apocalyptic nightmare or something ripped out of tabloid magazines. But many managed to stay connected, find humor, and concoct cocktails and mocktails when a pandemic struck, murder hornets threatened, and a zombie tropical storm appeared. Shaken in 2020, But not Stirred, captures the American spirit of survival and inspiration. It’s a somewhat humorous look at how Americans dealt with a horrific and frightening time in their lives. Society missed being social and began online visits to meet with friends and family and shared a drink. Many needed a way to signal the end of the work day and began making cocktails at five o’clock, while others wanted a creative outlet. The stories in this book show human fortitude, a sense of humor, and a lot of inventiveness. Not only did people from all walks of life share their survival stories, but most offered their unique cocktail creations. Over 90 recipes include: Antibody Martini, Lockdown Limeade, Key Lime Pie Non-Tini, Pink Pandemic, and Thou Shalt Not Covid Me.