Interview, New Book, and Event

This week is filled with cool stuff! First, I received a copy of my interview with the historic Tombstone, Arizona’s Epitaph newspaper. Second, I’m headed to Payson, Arizona for a book festival and will get to talk and hang with my pals at True West magazine! Lastly, but certainly not least, I received copies of…

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Writing and Promoting

Being an author doesn’t just mean you get to write all day. My to-do list includes everything from marketing, researching new projects, proposals, searching for an agent, promoting my current works, blogging, and a host of other writing-related items. I will admit though, I do have a pretty cool job sometimes… I’m just back from…

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Back in the Writer’s Saddle

I’m finally back in my writer’s saddle again! Well, sort of. But first, an update on my SALs and food issue saga. I had another NAET treatment on Monday and this one was for SALs and benzoates. I had a serious flare because Easter dinner had a lot of SALs foods, so it was perfect…

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NAET and California Madams

Last time I posted about a possible SALs reaction and having found an acupuncturist and NAET specialist. I’ve had three treatments so far and other than slowly getting my sense of smell back I don’t see any difference. But then again I haven’t been tempting fate by eating foods that could trigger a reaction. During…

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Light Bulb Moment, Perhaps?

Let me start my saying that while it seems I’ve been doing very little writing and work on my books, I have been doing research. As most authors will tell you, that’s where we get into trouble. I love doing research as much as I do writing and that why we have deadlines or we’d…

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Epic Fail on the Buns

Instead of having a light and airy gluten free burger bun for my shrimp patties,  I ended up with a product that looked like a wheat flat bread. I followed the recipe, but it still didn’t work. I consider that an epic fail as you can see by the pre-bake photo. They were an okay…

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The Quest for Burger Buns

Let me start by saying my buns didn’t look like this on the inside. I was headed to one of my favorite burger places in Raleigh, Burger-Fi. But I knew I couldn’t have a traditional bun and was facing lettuce as a substitute. Now I don’t know who thinks that lettuce could ever replace a…

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Fake Fries

This author’s Gluten-Free quest continued this weekend, but I wasn’t on the computer. One of the recipes I downloaded last week was for something called Panisse. They are what I call fake fries and are super popular in Provence, France and Italy. Panisses are made with chickpea flour, water, salt, and oil. The batter reminds…

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A New Food Journey

For the last four weeks I’ve been Gluten-Free (GF). Why? I have a problem called EOE and certain foods get stuck in my esophagus. So the allergist and other doctors suggested I try gluten free to see if I have a sensitivity. I have no food allergies so it’s not Celiac. It’s been really tough…

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Winning awards for your books is an extra special moment and hearing your name or book title called is exciting. You feel recognition for something you spent so much time researching and writing. This past weekend I attended the Will Rogers Medallion Award ceremony in Fort Worth, Texas where two of my books were up…

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